Saturday, February 2, 2013

Feist- Limit to your Love

I had a bucket list a few years ago, some of these were on there and some weren't. I decided I should document all the things I want to do in my life. Hope to do, will do, will always think of doing.

1. Ride a horse on the beach or just a horse anywhere.
2. Skydive
3. Bungee off a really high bridge
4. Quit my job & travel the world
5. Learn to play the drums or violin
6. Create art on a huge canvas.. im talking huge.
7. Follow  a band on a world tour
8. Buy a beautifully restored VW van
9. Publish an autobiography o
10. Be comfortable in my skin
11. Find the love of my life
12. Hot air balloon ride
13. Finish college so I can be a special needs teacher
14. Have an amazing weekend job such as: undercover investigator
15. Learn Photography
16. Watch the list of 1,001 movies to watch before you die
17. Trust humankind
18. Know what it feels like to get shot- yes, i know what you're thinking.
19. Buy a ridiculously expensive piece of art
20. Support my mom and dad for the rest of their lives
21. Be alive to see the cure to cancer
22. Open up an orphanage in a third world country
23. Go to Burning Man
24.... need a break xoxo dee To be continued..

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