Hi Facebook World, Strangers, Friends, People who take the time to visit,
I know that when I post my blog on facebook that people don't like it or comment but I find the best part is when someone tells me they did read it. It's like my secret place and hopefully you find my space to be interesting, shitty, lovely, whatever you want. While most of you are out with friends or drinking, out to movies , etc. I will say im the other part of the population, home on a friday night, watching you tube videos. I stumbled upon two.. that if you have 50 min .. i recommend watching but be warned: I am a hopeless romantic but i left feeling how I should feel: happy to be alive. With so much going on these days around the world, in the US and even in our daily lives, I think we often (myself included) find reasons to complain. Reasons to be unhappy. I guess these two videos were my Friday night reminders that despite my ongoing issues with depression, I should and try my best to be happy. Don't get me wrong, I am happy, moments in time..whether you know me well or know me not so well.. its no surprise that I've been battling depression for almost 10 years. Depression is a disease not an excuse, its made me do things to hurt the people i love, hurt myself and lose friends. I lost my best friend to depression who couldn't understand that as much as I wish I could've chosen to want to live at a certain point in my life like her father an grandmother, that I couldn't. I am not mad at her for not wanting to be my friend, since i will never truly know how it feels to lose your dad until that day comes for mine. All i can say is that I simply miss her and that I'm sorry she couldn't understand. This isn't meant to be a sob story but I'll be honest, recently I've been up and down about my recent weight gain. Everything is in my control but sometimes my bed wins and sometimes these videos of love or survival or these reminders that life is precious are what get me through my day. I enjoy a good cry too i admit..its so crazy you know.. I used to tell my sister to not cry as a kid. I told her it was a weakness and then after certain circumstances, that layer broke through and i realized that emotions are healthy. Male or female, I believe that everyone has a point in their life where they aren't happy. About their work life, their love life, their personal appearance etc. If someone takes the time to watch one video and if that can make your day or night better then this was not a waste a time.
Thanks for visiting.
Thanks to those who continuously show me their love. I know im not a perfect person and I won't ever try to be.
XOXO dee
Video on a teenage boy's last days battling cancer
The director who helped with the video above (the one where celebrities sing) proposed to his gf. Parts are corny but the end is the best. I think everyone hopes to find love like that.